Simple Ways to Take Care of Your Teeth

Good dental care should be a lifelong habit and practising excellent oral hygiene every day will help to keep your teeth in great shape, preventing future problems. Looking after your teeth isn’t tricky, and we’ve listed a few simple things that can help.

  1. Make sure you drink plenty of water and especially after each meal because this will help to rinse away food debris and bacteria that could harm your teeth.
  2. Get into the habit of brushing your tongue gently each time you brush your teeth. Your tongue can harbour large amounts of bacteria, potentially causing oral health problems and bad breath.
  3. Always brush your teeth before bedtime and preferably first thing in the morning as well. Brushing before bed is particularly important because it removes excess food and bacteria before you go to sleep. While you sleep, your mouth is drier which allows harmful bacteria to thrive.
  4. Daily flossing is essential and if you struggle with traditional dental floss ask us for help and advice about other tools to try.
  5. Don’t forget to come and see us at least twice a year for your regular check-ups and hygiene appointments. If you do have any signs of dental problems, we can detect and treat them more efficiently and more quickly, and most likely treatment will be cheaper too!