What Your Mouth Can Reveal About Your Health

Did you realise that every time you visit our dentist, your mouth can provide valuable clues about your general health? Regular dental check-ups do a great deal more than just protect your smile! In fact, your oral health and general health are intimately connected.

  1. When we take routine dental x-rays, our dentist can assess the density of the bone around your teeth. Signs of any bone loss or deterioration could indicate the first signs of osteoporosis.
  2. Gum disease which is a bacterial infection, is frequently more common in people who have diabetes. People with diabetes also have more difficulty controlling blood sugar levels, increasing the levels of glucose in saliva, which in turn allows infection-causing bacteria in the mouth to thrive.
  3. When you have higher levels of bacteria in your mouth, it can impact your vascular system and may be a precursor to cardiovascular disease.
  4. Mouth ulcers can indicate a nutritional deficiency or may be a sign of stress or hormonal imbalances.
  5. Intestinal disease such as acid reflux can cause white, yellow or brown pits on your tooth surfaces, where enamel exposed to strong stomach acids has become eroded.