Easy Tips to Stay Healthy These Holidays

During the school holidays, it’s easy to fall into bad eating habits so follow our simple tips to help keep the entire family healthy this year.

  1. Get your children involved with cooking as this will let them be part of your healthy eating regime, teaches them about proper nutrition and its fun to do as a family.
  2. Choose healthy meals that kids will like, for example, turkey meatballs or rice paper rolls filled with lots of fresh veggies.
  3. Don’t fall into the junk food trap when you have trips to the cinema or shopping centre. Instead, pack healthy snacks or make sure they have a healthy and filling meal beforehand. If you do end up in the food court, pick healthier food options such as a chicken salad rather than fried chicken.
  4. Pre-plan lots of fun holiday activities that get the family outdoors, such as going for bike rides or walks on the beach which will help to keep everyone fit and active.
  5. Don’t forget to organise outdoor activities like picnicking with family or friends. It’s a great way to socialise and to enjoy the fantastic weather, and it’s yet another opportunity to make healthy snacks and to get everyone involved in making them.